Lead Service Line Information
The Federal Government has mandated that Community Water Suppliers must find out where lead service lines are
located throughout the community to encourage the process of eliminating them. PWSD #7 is required to survey and
inventory the type of material used for all public and private water service lines within our distribution system and
report our findings to Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MoDNR).
Lead, unlike other drinking water contaminants, is usually not present in the drinking water source. It can enter from a
distribution system or on-site plumbing itself. Lead can leach into water at the tap from lead in pipes, fixtures, and
solder. The most impactful way to reduce the risk of exposure to lead in drinking water is to remove any lead service
lines that bring water to your home, if they exist. Service lines from the water main to the meter are public water supply
owned service lines. Services lines from the meter to your home are privately owned service lines. PWSD #7 does not
have any public lead service lines in the distribution system. Privately owned service lines have the potential to contain
lead particularly if your home was built prior to January 1, 1989.
PWSD #7 water mains and service lines are lead free. However, some homes may have a service line made of lead or
lead components. Lead service lines (LSLs) are one of the primary sources of lead in potable drinking water. As LSLs
transport treated public water throughout our homes, lead may be leached from those pipes into the potable drinking
water. Older homes, especially those built prior to 1989, are more likely to have lead service lines, fixtures, and/or
solder. However, it is also possible for newer "lead-free" labeled fixtures to contain some lead.
PWSD #7 sent out a mailer & survey at the end of 2023 asking for customers help in identifying their service lines. However, we are required by the EPA & MoDNR to send all customers that are classified as “Unknown: Possibly Lead” a ‘Potential Health Risk’ letter annually until the service line is identified and reported.
Complete the brief Lead Service Line Identification Survey to identify the material composition of your water lines and
help our community comply with EPA regulations.
Service Line Identification Inventory
The EPA is requiring community water suppliers survey, inventory, and report the service line material composition of all
service lines (both the publicly owned (water system-owned) and privately owned (customer-owned) portions of the
service line). Which means even if you do not have lead service lines, the material type determination is needed for the
inventory. The material type must be reported to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MoDNR) as required
by regulation.
We are requesting your help in this identification process. Service lines can be made of many materials, such as plastic,
copper, PEX, HDPE, galvanized, lead, etc. Please see the links below for help on how to identify your service line
Please take a few minutes to complete our online Lead Service Line Identification Survey today.
Download the Printable Survey Here
PWSD #7 thanks you for
your help with complying with the EPA regulations!
Additional Information from the EPA & MoDNR regarding Lead in Drinking water
Lead in Drinking Water-Important information on how to protect your health
Basic Information about Lead in Drinking Water from the EPA